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Lawn Seed Feed

Dutch White Clover

Dutch White Clover

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Seed Packs
  • Dutch White Clover (Trifolium repens) is a perennial plant commonly used as a forage crop for livestock.
  • It is characterized by its white flowers and trifoliate leaves, with each leaflet having a distinctive green V-shaped marking.
  • This type of clover is adapted to a wide range of soil types, including sandy, loamy, and clay soils.
  • It is tolerant of low temperatures, moderate drought conditions, and partial shade.
  • Dutch White Clover is a legume and has the ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, which can improve soil fertility and reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers.
  • It is often used in mixed grass-clover pastures to improve forage quality and yield, as well as to provide a source of nitrogen for companion grasses.
  • Dutch White Clover is also used as a cover crop to prevent soil erosion, suppress weed growth, and improve soil health.
  • It can be planted alone or in combination with other legumes, such as alfalfa or red clover, to improve forage quality and overall productivity.
  • Dutch White Clover is known to attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, which can benefit the local ecosystem and improve crop yields in nearby fields.
  • The plant can be grazed or mowed, with frequent mowing encouraging more vigorous growth and reducing the potential for bloat in livestock.
  1. Mowing: Regular mowing is necessary to prevent the clover from getting too tall and to encourage thicker growth. Mow the lawn to a height of 2-3 inches.

  2. Fertilization: Dutch White Clover is a nitrogen-fixing plant, but it still benefits from occasional fertilization to maintain its health and vigor. Apply a balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in early spring and late fall.

  3. Watering: Clover is relatively drought-tolerant, but it still requires regular watering during dry periods. Water the lawn deeply once or twice a week, depending on rainfall and soil moisture levels.

  4. Weed control: Dutch White Clover is a low-growing plant, so it can be susceptible to weed infestations. Use a pre-emergent herbicide in early spring to prevent weed seeds from germinating, and pull any weeds by hand that do appear.

  5. Overseeding: Over time, some areas of the lawn may thin out or die off. To keep the lawn looking healthy and lush, overseed with additional Dutch White Clover seed in early fall or early spring.

  6. Soil testing: Soil pH is an important factor in the growth and health of Dutch White Clover. Test the soil every two to three years and adjust the pH as needed to keep it in the range of 6.0 to 7.0.

  7. Pest control: Clover is relatively pest-free, but it can attract aphids, mites, and other insects. Monitor the lawn regularly and use an insecticide if necessary to control pest populations.

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